Wednesday, July 29, 2009


45 capsules = P 1,500

To live, the body cells need Oxygen for its metabolism, but the process releases oxidants that unneutralized would eat at the cell membrane. Name ANY major health issue, and it is a cellular inflammatory process caused by unneutralized oxidants, including heart and lung disease. PROBLEM #1 is that GLUTATHIONE in the over 100 trillion cells of the body depletes at an average of 15% per decade by age 20 when it is needed by EACH & EVERY cell in the BODY to deal with EVERY oxidative chain. As the body’s MASTER ANTIOXIDANT, GLUTATHIONE is the ONLY antioxidant that does not itself become an oxidant after neutralizing an oxidant. Problem #2 is it is not feasible to increase INTRACELLULAR Glutathione by oral administration – the Glutathione molecule is too big to pass through the holes in cell wall.

MaxGXL (BFAD FR #74914, U.S. Composition Patent #6262019) is the ONLY supplement that provides a nutritional base that enables every cell in your body to produce and recycle needed Glutathione. This can be quantified and verified with a laboratory test on your white blood cells.

CALL the number above to know about how MaxGXL truly counters the aging process and GUARANTEES you from dying from the Cytokine Storm brought about by the Swine Flu virus.


Lourdes said...

This is a wonderful product. Kilala to dito sa London. Umiinom ate ko nito. :) Nice site V.V. :)

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