Sunday, March 1, 2009

HealthBalance® Ginko Biloba

300 caplets = P 1,400 

Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

  • Improving Memory and Mental Alertness - Ginkgo biloba analysis has pointed to its ability to improve circulation to the brain, bringing it the necessary oxygen and nutrients for proper function. Ginkgo biloba thus helps stimulate the brain, improving memory, alertness and concentration.
  • Fighting Disease - Ginkgo biloba analysis shows powerful antioxidants that fight dangerous free radicals that damage cells and body tissues. Antioxidants help rid the body of toxic chemicals that can lead to the onset of cancer and other diseases.
  • Lowering Blood Pressure - Ginkgo biloba analysis has evinced the ability of gingko to improve circulation throughout the body. It also dilates (opens) arteries, thus reducing blood pressure


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