Wednesday, September 9, 2009

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Top 10 Causes of Preventable Death


Based on a Harvard study done in the United States, these are the top causes of premature or preventable death among Americans:

10 – Abuse of Alcohol

Taking too much alcohol causes non-communicable diseases (NCDs) or “lifestyle diseases” like cancer, liver disease, and stroke. Major road accidents, violence, and related injuries are mostly attributed to alcohol abuse which is prevalent among people between the ages of 30 and 45.

9 – High Intake of Trans-fatty Acids

Hydrogenated or unsaturated fat, also known as trans-fat, accumulates in the body and its effects in the long term are life-threatening.


8 – Low Intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential to prevent many diseases and boost brain health. These are commonly found in tuna and seafood.


7 – High Dietary Salt

Too much sodium makes the body more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases.


6 – LDL Cholesterol

The LDL cholesterol, commonly known as “bad” cholesterol, is also a cardiovascular threat.


5 – High Blood Sugar

This is usually associated with diabetes. It is also related to eye, kidney, and nerve damage.


4 – Lack of Physical Activity

Being physically inactive slows down the body. It roughly accounts to one in every ten deaths. It is mostly seen after the age of 70 and more common in women than in men.


3 – Being Overweight

This condition is also responsible for one in ten deaths and more typical among the middle-aged.


2 – High Blood Pressure

Hypertension causes one in every five or six deaths. It is usually caused by indirect risk factors such as obesity, inactivity, too much salt, and alcohol abuse which are all fatal on their own.


1 – Smoking

Smoking is the number one cause of preventable death. 50% of all long-term smokers die from a disease directly related to smoking. It also adds up to 33% of all cancer deaths. Even people who already stopped the habit are still largely at risk since smoking causes harmful long-term effects.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009



45 capsules = P 1,500

To live, the body cells need Oxygen for its metabolism, but the process releases oxidants that unneutralized would eat at the cell membrane. Name ANY major health issue, and it is a cellular inflammatory process caused by unneutralized oxidants, including heart and lung disease. PROBLEM #1 is that GLUTATHIONE in the over 100 trillion cells of the body depletes at an average of 15% per decade by age 20 when it is needed by EACH & EVERY cell in the BODY to deal with EVERY oxidative chain. As the body’s MASTER ANTIOXIDANT, GLUTATHIONE is the ONLY antioxidant that does not itself become an oxidant after neutralizing an oxidant. Problem #2 is it is not feasible to increase INTRACELLULAR Glutathione by oral administration – the Glutathione molecule is too big to pass through the holes in cell wall.

MaxGXL (BFAD FR #74914, U.S. Composition Patent #6262019) is the ONLY supplement that provides a nutritional base that enables every cell in your body to produce and recycle needed Glutathione. This can be quantified and verified with a laboratory test on your white blood cells.

CALL the number above to know about how MaxGXL truly counters the aging process and GUARANTEES you from dying from the Cytokine Storm brought about by the Swine Flu virus.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Recognize Your Health Risks

Health risk factors are habits or conditions that increase your chance of developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) or the so-called “lifestyle diseases”. To find out which of your habits pose a threat to your health, take this quiz:
  1. Do you try to maintain your ideal body weight?
  2. Do you avoid eating foods with lots of fat and sugar?
  3. Do you exercise and always try to be physically active?
  4. Do you do muscle strengthening and conditioning exercises?
  5. Do you get your blood pressure checked on a regular basis?
  6. Do you cope with pressure and stress well?
  7. Do you have time to relax on a daily basis?
  8. Do you avoid smoking cigarettes or tobacco?
  9. Do you avoid drinking too much alcohol?
  10. Do you avoid taking drugs not prescribed by your doctor?

The questions you answered with “no” indicate your health risk factors. The more risk factors you have, the greater your chances of getting NCDs.

You can reduce your health risks by working on one risk factor at a time. If you have identified smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and not being able to manage stress as your health risk factors, do not attempt to change everything at once. Concentrate on one risk factor first before tackling another one. You could start to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Once you have broken the habit, you can focus on managing your stress level and find more time to relax. Then plan how you can quit smoking. This step-by-step process will give you the strength and confidence to eventually eliminate all your health risks.

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Choose Wellness

Wellness, as described by the World Health Organization, is the “state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease”. Unlike the traditional health care which focuses on treating and curing sickness, the wellness concept takes a proactive stance on having a better and healthier way of life. It is an approach that aims to reduce your risk of serious illness and its key theme revolves around prevention rather than cure.

The wellness lifestyle involves three basic principles: eating right, exercising regularly, and finding balance in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life.

Eat well. Lessen the amount of cholesterol and saturated fats in your diet. Try the low-fat alternatives and go for lean meat, poultry, fish and vegetable oil. Avoid refined or processed foods such as white bread, sugar-coated cereals, and convenience snacks. Increase your fiber intake and opt for whole grain breads and cereals, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes such as beans and peas. Drink plenty of water and cut down on carbonated drinks.

Have a regular exercise regimen and get fit. Go to the gym or buy a fitness video which you could watch and follow at your own pace at home. Make sure that your program includes aerobics to keep your heart and lungs strong and circuit conditioning to keep your muscles toned. Always start with warm-ups to prepare your body for strenuous exercise and help avoid injury. End with cooling down exercises to bring your heart rate back to normal. You can also sign up in a sports clinic. Be physically active. Walk. Choose the stairs. Move more as you do your daily routine.

Relax. Slow down and have a break from your busy work schedule. Sleep well. Prioritize bonding time with family and friends. Watch a movie. Start a hobby. Raise a pet. Get involved in church activities and community service. Join environmentalists and campaign to save Mother Earth. Take time to laugh and simply enjoy life.

The way you live has a direct impact on your health. If you do not take charge of your health and continue with your unhealthy habits, you actually increase your chances of developing life-threatening conditions. Stress and unhealthy lifestyle generate non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in people. NCDs are commonly known as “lifestyle diseases” which include cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. Prevent this from happening and enjoy having the energy to live an active and fulfilling life at any age. Embark on your personal journey to wellness now.
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Centrum® (Original Formula)


100 tablets = P 750
180 tablets = P 1,200
325 tablets = P 1,500

Centrum® is a complete multivitamin that helps you stay healthy with specially-balanced combinations of nutrients.

  • Supports immune system defenses with a balance of essential antioxidants like vitamin C and selenium
  • Maintains strong bones with the balanced combination of vitamin D and calcium
  • Supports proper muscle and nerve function with magnesium & vitamin D
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Centrum® Performance® (Best Seller)


120 tablets = P 1,800 
150 tablets = P 2,000  

Helps your body find more energy.

  • Centrum Performance® is a complete multivitamin formulated to help activate your energy. Charged with higher levels of energy-activating B-vitamins that can help your body find more energy
  • Helps your body cope with physical stress with Ginseng, Ginko Biloba and key nutrients like vitamins C and E
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